Assisted Suicide / Euthanasia
+ Be Vigilant against the Lies of Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia Proponents, Nancy Elliott
+ Lessons from the Alfie Evans Saga: The Need for Transfer Provisions, Joe Kral, M.A.
+ Meaning & Suicide, Ashleen Bagnulo, Ph.D. - 06.20.18
+ California Assisted Suicide Law is Among the Most Potentially Dangerous in the US
Jennifer Popik, J.D. - 10.18.18
+ "You are not your own": A Scriptural Perspective of End-of-Life Issue, Lori Kehoe - 11.21.18
+ Converting Hearts to the Political Defense of Human Life: Is the Answer in the Brain?
Jacqueline H. Abernathy, Ph.D. - 04.18.19
+ When Anti-Euthanasia Legislation Goes Wrong: A Moral Critique of Texas SB 2089
Joe Kral, M.A. - 05.13.19
+ Physician-Assisted Suicide Legislation: A Template for Eradication? Therese M. Hessler
+ How Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) Activists May Attempt to Expand the Practice in Your State, Jessica Stanton, J.D. - 08.22.19
+ A Few Considerations Regarding the Fight Against Assisted Suicide, Skylar Covich, Ph.D. o1.09.20
+ Promoting Suicide during an Apocalypse, David Franks, Ph.D. - 06.12.20
+ The Oregon Health Administration: Pro-Life Policy, & the Need to Monitor,
Jessica Stanton, J.D. - 11.19.20
+ New Mexico HB47 Poses a Unique Danger in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jennifer Popik, J.D. 03.01.21
+ Dangerous Bill in Victoria Australia Seeks to Expand Telemedicine for Euthanasia,
Jennifer Popik, J.D. - 06.28.21
+ Assisted Suicide: Slippery Slope or Hidden Agenda?, Richard M. Doerflinger - 02.17.22
+ Connecticut's Assisted Suicide Bill Defeated, Skylar Covich - 04.21.22
+ Oregon’s Slippery Slope on Assisted Suicide – What it Means for Other States, Jennifer Popik, J.D. - 05.19.22