Addenda (two other sections of the MGL to be modified by the ROE Act, with the modifications highlighted):
Chapter 112, Section 12F: Emergency treatment of minors
Section 12F. No physician, dentist or hospital shall be held liable for damages for failure to obtain consent of a parent, legal guardian, or other person having custody or control of a minor child, or of the spouse of a patient, to emergency examination and treatment, including blood transfusions, when delay in treatment will endanger the life, limb, or mental well-being of the patient.
Any minor may give consent to his medical or dental care at the time such care is sought if (i) he is married, widowed, divorced; or (ii) he is the parent of a child, in which case he may also give consent to medical or dental care of the child; or (iii) he is a member of any of the armed forces; or (iv) she is pregnant or believes herself to be pregnant; or (v) he is living separate and apart from his parent or legal guardian, and is managing his own financial affairs; or (vi) he reasonably believes himself to be suffering from or to have come in contact with any disease defined as dangerous to the public health pursuant to section six of chapter one hundred and eleven; provided, however, that such minor may only consent to care which relates to the diagnosis or treatment of such disease.
Consent shall not be granted under subparagraphs (ii) through (vi), inclusive, for abortion or sterilization. [“Abortion or” is to struck out.]
Consent given under this section shall not be subject to later disaffirmance because of minority. The consent of the parent or legal guardian shall not be required to authorize such care and, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, such parent or legal guardian shall not be liable for the payment for any care rendered pursuant to this section unless such parent or legal guardian has expressly agreed to pay for such care.
No physician or dentist, nor any hospital, clinic or infirmary shall be liable, civilly and criminally, for not obtaining the consent of the parent or legal guardian to render medical or dental care to a minor, if, at the time such care was rendered, such person or facility: (i) relied in good faith upon the representations of such minor that he is legally able to consent to such treatment under this section; or (ii) relied in good faith upon the representations of such minor that he is over eighteen years of age.
All information and records kept in connection with the medical or dental care of a minor who consents thereto in accordance with this section shall be confidential between the minor and the physician or dentist, and shall not be released except upon the written consent of the minor or a proper judicial order. When the physician or dentist attending a minor reasonably believes the condition of said minor to be so serious that his life or limb is endangered, the physician or dentist shall notify the parents, legal guardian or foster parents of said condition and shall inform the minor of said notification.
Chapter 118E, Section 10E: Healthy start program; medical assistance for pregnant women and infants; eligibility; types of assistance; protection from billing and collection practices
Section 10E. The division shall establish a program of medical care and assistance for pregnant women and infants who are not otherwise eligible for medical assistance under chapter 118E and who lack private health insurance coverage or have health insurance coverage which does not cover all medically necessary care covered by the program established by this section. The division shall furnish such medical assistance to each such pregnant woman and infant residing in the commonwealth in accordance with standards of eligibility established by the division; provided, however, that the income eligibility standards shall not be more than 200 per cent of the non-farm income poverty guidelines defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget.
Assistance furnished pursuant to this section shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following care and services; provided, however, that unless otherwise specified to the contrary no payment shall be allowed for inpatient hospitalization:
(i) all medically necessary care to maintain health during the course of the pregnancy and delivery, including newborn hospital care; [to be replaced by: “all medically necessary care relative to pregnancy, including but not limited to abortion, care to maintain health during the course of the pregnancy and delivery, and newborn hospital care;”]
(ii) all medically necessary postpartum obstetric and gynecological care;
(iii) newborn care, including one postpartum pediatric ambulatory visit; and
(iv) outreach services designed to identify and encourage the participation of pregnant women and infants in this program.
The division shall ensure that all women who appear to be eligible for medical assistance under said chapter 118E are assisted in enrolling for such coverage.
The division shall promulgate and, from time to time, amend regulations detailing eligibility criteria, services to be covered in conformity with appropriate standards of care, and reimbursement policies.
Notwithstanding section 3 of chapter 6B or any other law to the contrary, no acute hospital shall deny access to care and services to recipients of the healthy start program established by this section; provided, however, that such recipients shall be exempt from any collection action, pre-admission deposit or any other form of billing or collection procedures arising from treatment by an acute care hospital provided under the healthy start program; and provided further, that a healthy start card shall constitute sole verification of application and eligibility for free care for inpatient hospital services. The program established herein shall be known as the healthy start program.