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Journal of

Bioethics in Law & Culture


Spring 2019                                                                                                                                                                volume 2 issue 2

Submission Requirements


Letter From the Editors:   

Joe Kral, M.A.

 Ana Brennan, J.D.




Featured Articles


The Gospel and the Culture of Life

Steven Meyer, S.T.D.



From Pro-Choice to Pro-Abortion: The ROE Act as Abortion Absolutism

J. David Franks, Ph.D.




Legislative Testimonies


Written Testimony of Catherine Glenn Foster, Esq. President & CEO, Americans United for Life On H.B. 51 Submitted to the Committee on House Consumer and Public Affairs January 25, 2019 
Catherine Glenn Foster, Esq.



Testimony of  Caitlyn Dixson Executive Director of Iowa Right to Life in Support of Senate Joint Resolution 9. 

Caitlyn Dixson



Testimony of Joe Pojman, Ph.D. Executive Director, Texas Alliance for Life in Support of SB 23, Senate Health and Human Services Committee March 19, 2019.

Joe Pojman, Ph.D.



Testimony of Therese Hessler, Maryland Catholic Conference, in Opposition to Senate Bill 311 End-of-Life Option Act, Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, February 19, 2019.
Therese Hessler 


Written Testimony of Nicole Hudgens Senior Policy Analyst, Texas Values Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee On Texas SB 22.

Nicole Hudgens



Testimony of Joe Kral, M.A., President of the Society of St. Sebastian in Support of SB 23,Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee,

March 18, 2019.

Joe Kral, M.A.




State Briefs - Joe Kral, M.A.

Federal Briefs - Ana Brennan, J.D.



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