Legislative Testimony
One area where the expertise of scholars and professional activists has played a major role is in front of state legislative and regulatory bodies. Many times, elected officials don’t appreciate or anticipate the moral and legal complexities of issues or they may identify potential dilemmas that may arise and realize they need to explore an issue further before they can cast a fully-informed vote.
Testifying on the state level puts specialists in their field in a unique position to directly impact the outcome of pending state legislation, regulations, and city ordinances. When an expert shares their testimony with a state governmental body, not only are those present informed on the issue before them but submitted written testimony is made part of the public record. Furthermore, having your written testimony published in our journal is a great way of letting others in the field of bioethics know that your expertise is available as a resource.
Testimonials offer a wealth of information in a very concise and condensed format. Exposure to this information helps the reader assess areas of interest they may not have given much thought to before, as well as staying appraised of what is occurring on the state level.