Surrogacy / IVF
+A Dubious Contractual Nullification of Natural Law, Ana Brennan, J.D. - 04.12.18
+ A Step in the Pro-Life Direction: Arizona's New Law Protects Embryos Created by IVF
Joe Kral, M.A. - 07.26.18
+ How Many Wombs Does a Baby Need?, Ana Brennan, J.D. - 11.07.18
+ What's So Wrong with Surrogacy?, Ana Brennan, J.D. - 01.18.19
+ Reproductive Technologies and the One Flesh Marriage Union, Katie Breckenridge - 03.21.19
+ How Surrogacy Laws Undermine Pro-Life Efforts, Ana Brennan, J.D. - 04.04.19
+ Frozen Embryos Are People Too, Ana Brennan J.D. - 07.11.19
+ Virginia HB 1979 Empowers "Intent to Parent" to Replace Biological Parenthood,
Katie Breckenridge - 07.17.19
+ The Human Embryo & the Next Era of Slavery, Jalesia “Jasha” McQueen, Esq. - 08.29.19
+ Women are More Than Incubators: Why Surrogacy is Morally Problematic, Katie Breckenridge - 11.20.19
+ Protecting the Embryonic Child from Biotech, Joe Kral, M.A. - 12.18.19
+ From an Embryo Mother: My Journey to Loving My Embryos, Jalesia “Jasha” McQueen - 02.06.20
+ The Pro-Life Case for IVF Reporting Requirements, Joe Kral, M.A. - 03.11.20
+ Can You Do IVF “Ethically?”, Laura Elm, M.B.A. - 10.08.20
+ IVF, Eugenics, & Public Funding, Katie Breckenridge, M.S. - .03.11.21
+ The Moral Case for Banning Destructive Embryonic Research, Joe Kral, M.A. - 04.01.21
+ The Return of the Embryo Research Debate?, Richard M. Doerflinger, M.A. - 05.13.21
+ “Science” and Embryo Exploitation, Hannah Howard M.S. - 06.17.21
+ The Problem with Polygenic IVF Screening, Katie Breckenridge, M.S. - 09.09.21
+ Recalling our Principles: Human Embryos, Ethical Stem Cell Experimentation, and American Purpose, David Franks. Ph.D. - 09.23.21
+ The Objective of Infertility Insurance Mandates: IVF Coverage, Laura Elm - 04.15.22
+ The Beatitudes and the Pro-Life Concerns with IVF, Katie Breckenridge, M.S. - 06.30.22
+ The Beatitudes and Pro-Life Policy, Katie Breckenridge - 08.18.22
+ IVF & Abortion Trigger Bans: The Reality That Not All Prenatal Life Is Protected, Katie Breckenridge, M.S. - 12.11.22
+ Protecting All Embryos, Katie Breckenridge - 03.24.23
+ Concocting Rights and the Rights of the IVF Embryonic Child, Katie Breckenridge, M.S. -
+ On The So-Called Right to Children, Joe Kral, M.A. - 01.25.24
+ IVF & Eugenics, Katie Breckenridge, M.S - 04.16.24
+ Moral Problems with the “Right to IVF Act”: Some Pro-Life Considerations, Katie Breckenridge, M.S. - 06.23.24